Women - April 22-23, 2022
Men - April 29-30, 2022
What is an Encounter? - Two days of a powerful experience with a living God.
Being a Christian means to live by God’s Word—learning it, personally experiencing it, and obeying it. The Bible gives us many examples of people who were radically transformed by their personal encounters with the Lord Jesus.
An Encounter experience is a dramatic process that can completely change the course of our life. All of us have already experienced many important milestones, or encounters, in our lives: falling in love and getting married, being accepted into a university, obtaining a job, etc. But of all the encounters we could have, the most important one is an encounter with the living God! Matthew 16:26 says, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?"
The Encounter presents a series of teachings and personal experiences that result in visible, manifested change in the lives of all who participate. It offers people an environment and opportunity that allows them to discover how to establish their relationship with God, how to have direct fellowship with Him, and how to commit to His lordship in their lives.
Receive Assurance of Salvation
Experience Forgiveness
Deliverance from Bondage
Emotional & Physical Healing
Restoration of Worth & Value
Learn to Walk in the Blessings of a Covenant Relationship with God & His Family
It is our desire and prayer that every person who comes to the encounter actively seize the opportunity to experience God. The results will be manifested in transformed lives—lives that are saved, forgiven of sin, set free, and healed by the power of the living God, Jesus Christ the Lord!
Who is at an Encounter?
Each Encounter is led by caring and powerful leadership team. Each leader has attended Encounter and has gone through the 9 month leadership process of the church. Rest assured, each person leading on Encounter is well equipped, trained and has been approved for the leading of an Encounter.
Men & Women of every walk of life and background attend Encounter.
How do I go on Encounter?
Encounter's are gender specific. Men go with Men and Women go with Women.
You must fill out an Encounter Registration Form and pay in full to reserve your spot.